How to Say NO to Good Things


One of the greatest struggles in my life is one of time management. This isn't a new revelation, it's something that has been an issue since I was a child. I am an adult now with responsibilities to a wife, a job, and as a pastor, to people as well. If my mom were to read this she would probably shake her head in frustration because as I got older it became harder and harder to get me to do the things I needed to do. When it came to chores, school, sports and spiritually everything else was more important. I have an incredible gift of saying no to the pressing matters to say yes to something that doesn’t really need my attention. Looking back I can see where I have hurt and hindered growth in many areas because of my poor time management.

I want to be clear, I am not an expert in time management, but I am someone who has realized they have a problem and I am working on it. I read something in a study with students a few years ago and it really gave me a great perspective on my issue and a way to handle my day. In 2 Corinthians 2:12-17 Paul describes a scenario where he is traveling and "came to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ". This is a GREAT thing, Paul is preaching the gospel, he's doing what he is called to do. I'm sure most Pastors would love to hear that statement from their people. So, what's the point? As you keep reading you see Paul say, "even though a door was opened for me in the Lord, my spirit was not at rest because I did not find my brother Titus there." It's interesting Paul, one of the greatest missionaries of all time says, "No" to sharing the Gospel. Is sharing the gospel a good thing? ABSOLUTELY YES, but in this case it wasn't part of God’s plan.

So here is the thought, how much of what you do in your day is submitted to what God desires of you?

Are some of the things you're involved in good things? Your answer is probably “yes” which is great. However, the questions we need to ask are , "Is what I do each day submitted to the Lord?” “Is there something I need to say no to?” What have we missed out on in our lives because we've been distracted by good things? As I said, I am guilty of this in my life.  Just ask my wife as she will be the first to tell you that I sacrifice things God has for good to do things that I think are good. I am not great at time management yet but I am learning that I am so much more effective every day and in the things the Lord gives me when I decide to eliminate something that is good to replace it with something that God is in. Be encouraged and evaluate your life by answering the question “Is your day submitted to the will of the Father or the will of the flesh

- Neal Dose
Neal Dose is the High School Pastor at First Baptist Eagles Landing.