Youth Ministry and the Corona Virus

Ministry & COVID-19

We are facing something as a nation that hasn’t been seen this lifetime. At the moment, there are over 160,000 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus around the world – 3,000 of those within the United States. Schools are closing. People are being asked to telecommute. Church services are being cancelled. 

People are hoarding food and supplies, pushing the good of others to the backburner. There is nothing like a crazy virus to show us our selfishness and to remind mankind that we are not in control. 

How should Christians react to the COVID-19 pandemic impacting our world? 

Martin Luther offers some great insight in the words he wrote concerning the plague that influenced his day.

I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance inflict and pollute others and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me He will surely find me and I have done what He has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others. If my neighbor needs me however I shall not avoid place or person I shall go freely as stated above. See this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God.

Luther was confident in the sovereignty of our good God. He loved others, because He has been loved by God. When faced with a pandemic, Luther washed his hands, stayed home, and avoided spreading the illness. He did this not out of fear, but out of a love for others. However, that same love compelled him to go and care for those who had needs. 

How to Respond as a Church?

Throughout history, Christians have been faced with how to biblically handle different pandemics and impending threats. In looking at their lives and at the Word of God we can be confident in two things. 

  • God has called us not to fear, but to a sound mind – to wise action. 

  • God has also called us to care for those around us. 

As your leadership meets, prays, and discusses how to respond to COVID-19 as church body, it’s important to act out of wisdom and love. Consider the following as you discuss your response as a church:

Know the Facts

It’s important as individuals and as a church body to know what is happening around us. Read up to date information about the Coronavirus. Be aware of its current impact on your area of ministry. Wash your hands. Stay home if you are sick. Encourage church members to stay home as well. 

Reinforce your Sick Policy (for everyone) 

If you are still meeting for worship, it’s so important that everyone is aware of your sick policy. Once upon a time, this was probably just a policy in place for children. Make sure the congregation knows that the sick policy applies to adults as well. This policy is not done as a response to fear, but out of love for others. 

What about small group time and child care?

Pray about your options as a staff, but know that it is best to avoid small group contact. Many churches have opted for one combined service with no childcare, while many are leaning into an online worship experience. 

Avoiding direct interaction 

In addition to amping up current cleaning procedures within your church, it’s also a good idea to encouraging avoiding direct physical contact. Consider canceling your greeting time and placing offering plates at the back of the room to avoid spread of germs. 

Should we cancel service or opt for online streaming?

Many churches around our nation are heeding our president’s request to cancel large group gatherings. As believers, we are called to respect those in authority over us. If your local government is asking you to avoid gathering, you can show your love for Christ by respecting their requests. 

Canceling service, or streaming online, is not a response to fear. Instead, this is one way that we are called to show the love of Christ through preventing the spread of COVID- 19. We are choosing wise planning over panic. Responsibility over fear. 

In canceling service/opting for online streaming, we have a chance to press into non-traditional paths of discipleship. 

Additional Discipleship Options:

  1. Parent-Led Bible Study - Use this as a chance to equip parents to lead their families in the study of God’s Word. Send your lessons out via social media or email. Go live and teach parents how to lead their families in a time of Bible Study. 

  2. Livestream Services – Stream your services online and provide times of interaction for families to discuss the message. 

  3. Zoom Bible Studies – Can’t meet for mid-week studies? This is a great chance for youth ministries to utilize zoom for group Bible Studies.  

  4. Live Devotionals – Utilize Facebook Live or IG TV to send out daily Bible Studies to your church body. 

The Call to Serve

As most churches move to online worship services and non-traditional discipleship during this time, it is important to remember the needs in your neighborhood. As the body of Christ, this is our time to step up. Scripture is very clear on the call to serve those in need. 

  • How will you take prayer requests and needs?

  • Do you have a ministry team to meet these needs?

  • How will you be intentional about reaching out to the elderly and immunocompromised in the body?

We are called to love others by preventing the spread of this virus. However, if someone around us has a need, we are not called to shrink back from meeting that need. Encourage church members to be a good neighbor to those around them. This isn’t the time to hoard the toilet paper and bread, this is a times to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world. 


“And which of you be being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life. If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?” Luke 12:25-26

“Fear not, for I am with you: be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

Jono Long